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Laissez- faire


Updated: Feb 2, 2023

On 12th May 2012, Maya, a 12-year-old girl went to Pushkar with her parents to visit the holy lake to perform certain religious ceremonies. Pushkar is a religious place and she didn't see pilgrimage as the ideal way to spend the weekend, however, she didn't have much of a say.

While returning from the lake, Maya, who was still naive to the various injustices of mankind, and crimes against humanity, saw something so horrendous that it's safe to say that it changed her perspective of life completely.

In the nearby temple, there were two very young recently married couples, still in their wedding attire, seeking the Lord's blessings. Now, it's completely normal and acceptable to do this, and nothing seemed wrong with this picture; but when looked upon closely, she realized exactly how young the couples were. They couldn't have been more than 12-13 years! They were just as young as Maya was then!

[Keep in mind that I'm recalling the tales of 2012, and not 1912.]

Unhappiness and misery were visible on their faces, especially on that of the two child brides. Snatched away from their childhood, their education, forced and constrained into something they didn't want. Worst of all, the parents themselves didn't see anything awry with it. Judging from the families' appearance, it was evident that they were educated, successful people; not poor, unaware destitute beings who had no awareness of the law.

The other thing that appalled her was that all of this was happening in public, in front of hundreds of people and not one of them objected to this sinful act, or even discovered anything amiss with it. People were enjoying the show!! How pathetic and lamentable have people become? How much more does humanity need to transgress to finally have some sense? How much more multifarious wrongdoings need to occur to finally awaken the people? - Countless.

We go on complaining about how inhumane the world has become, but we ignore to acknowledge that we're the chief reason why it's become so. We've turned out to be so dormant, lazy, selfish and numb that despite seeing all this, we do nothing. Instead of becoming survivors, we choose to remain victims. We aren't oblivious, we are completely aware of what's happening around us. It's just that we've stopped bothering about anything. We've taken the phrase "laissez-faire" to its extreme form.

And this, my friends, is the doom of everything good and pure in this world.


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