Priya is the youngest of four children. The first two children of Priya's parents were girls, so naturally, as per ancient and sacred rules, they had to keep trying until a son was born. After performing various rituals, and sacrificial ceremonies, one of the great Hindu gods decided to honour the family with a boy. After the birth of the son, the parents got greedy and wanted another one. They again performed all the rituals to be blessed with another son. But the gods saw their greed and cursed them with a girl. Oh, such a disappointment!! The shame became too much for Priya's grandfather to bear, and alas! He died of grief.
[May his soul suffer in hell.]
Even though the girls, and Priya especially, were nothing but a burden to the parents, Priya was adored by her father. Her father loved her more than his son (such a sinful man!). He was a hard worker. He started a business, gave everything to it, and was naturally rewarded for it. He accumulated a lot of wealth and spoiled his little darling. But as per life's laws, nothing good ever lasts. Priya's uncle, her father's younger brother wanted all of his wealth, so he did what any other brother does when he gets greedy- commit murder. Yes, Priya's father was murdered by his own brother.
Now, Priya's mother became the sole breadwinner of the family. She became a teacher and raised four children with an income of less than 1 lakh per annum. But she is a typical Indian mother, after all, so she got the eldest daughter married off. The second daughter got a job. But the son- the king, how could anyone possibly have the audacity to expect him to work? And Priya got enrolled in a government school.
After a while, Priya's eldest sister gave birth to a daughter (such horror!), so naturally, her mother immediately disowned her dishonourable daughter for giving birth to a girl (did I mention Priya's mother is a biology teacher?).
And now comes Priya's turn- Priya is a bright, talented young girl. She is an excellent dancer and actor, but her mother and the Indian culture clearly state that only prostitutes dance. So Priya had to focus on her studies. And like any other Indian parent, Priya's mother threatened to get her married off if she gets less than 98% in her class 12 boards. Priya gets 70%.
Now she is an unhappily married woman in an abusive marriage. She won't kill herself, because only those who live have the privilege of ending their lives.